Operation Playtime activity comes from
Amy at
Let's Explore. She suggested a painting activity using kitchen gadgets and utensils as paintbrushes. Sammi is ALWAYS ready to paint so I thought this would be fantastic. And it was!
I put butcher paper over the table so we could be messy and then I put the kitchen gadgets in the middle of the table. Sammi climbed right up, grabbed the whisk and announced she'd use "this" to paint with. I didn't really remember telling her yet that we were going to paint! But I guess all the signs were there.

I put out three colors: red, blue and yellow. I added a little water to thin them out so they'd last longer and it'd be easier to coat the utensils with. But I think I added to much water because we mostly got blobs of paint at the beginning. But once we got going we developed some technique and enjoyed the project very much.
I like the idea of covering the table with butcher paper. Probably stayed on the table far better than my newspaper.
Using kitchen tools instead of paintbrushes was a blast for my kids. Looks like your kiddo was having fun.
Primary colours are the theme today. lol. Tenkidsandadog tried a fingerpainting recipe. I like how she didn't waste a moment once she saw the paint out.
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