However, based on the few travel experiences my husband and I have had combined, we enjoy sharing the cultures, foods and languages of Japan, Austria and Bulgaria (and others) with our girls. We are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to introduce them to the various aspects of different lands.
So when the opportunity to host a World Music Premier Playdate presented itself, I could hardly believe our luck. Baby Einstein recently released a new DVD and CD entitled World Music and we had a huge party to enjoy the experience.
The music of the CD exceeds the quality of music I have heard on previous Baby Einstein CDs. I thoroughly enjoyed the familiar melodies along with the new ones. While watching the DVD the little ones really enjoyed all the animals from around the world. We had lions and tigers running around the room; I think I even heard a monkey at one point!
One thing I love about the DVD: It has two modes. One mode is just the music with the video and the other mode has the names of instruments and animals spoken and written on the screen. We showed the girls the DVD in the car on the first mode and it was as enjoyable for us up front as just listening to the CD. I appreciated that!
This was a fun way for us to introduce music from various cultures with our girls. The DVD and CD are also available on Amazon.com
Thanks for the great review, I will have to keep my eyes open for this one.
I tagged you on my blog for a "post game" so if you are http://princesswithahalfpricetiara.blogspot.com/2009/04/8-is-enough-tag-game.htmlinterested come check it out:
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