In the initial stages of pretend play children benefit from incorporating as much reality into their play as possible. Sammi loved to change diapers. Initially she insisted on using actual diapers and wipe on her babies. We went through a lot of diapers and wipes. One afternoon I counted 15 rolled diapers on the floor that she had used on her baby! Slowly she transitioned into using pretend wipes and finally pretend diapers.
The same principle applies here with Going on a Bear Hunt. You lead the adventure and model the actions that accompany each part of the song. Your child then sees a slice of the reality and is able to envision the pretend adventure of hunting for bears.
Going on a Bear Hunt
We're going on a bear hunt
We're gonna catch a big one
But we're not scared!
Oh no, a large field of grass.
We can't go over it
We can't go under it
We'll have to go through it
Swish swish swish
We're going on a bear hunt
We're gonna catch a big one
But we're not scared!
Oh no, a river.
We can't go under it
We can't go around it
We'll have to swim through it
Swim swim swim
We're going on a bear hunt
We're gonna catch a big one
But we're not scared!
Oh no, a tree (or mountain)
We can't go around it
We can't go through it
We'll have to climb up it
Climb climb climb
Down down down
We're going on a bear hunt
We're gonna catch a big one
But we're not scared!
Oh no, a cave.
We can't go over it
We can't go under it
We'll have to go in it
Tiptoe tiptoe
I see a shiny nose and two eyes
It's a bear!
Run out of the cave
Run run run
Climb up the tree (mountain)
Climb down the tree (mountain)
Run run run
Swim through the river
Run run run
Run through the grass
Run run run
Open the door
Shut the door
Run upstairs and
Jump in bed
We're safe!
We received this adorable board book for Christmas that tells the story of a family going on a bear hunt
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