This is, by far, my favorite set of musical instruments for young children. We were given this band in a box as a gift. I have loved every minute of owning this set!
Melissa & Doug produce top-notch quality products. The Band in a Box is made of wood and painted in bright colors. There are 6 different instruments each the perfect size and shape for toddler hands to hold and manipulate. The set includes a tambourine, a clacker, a triangle, mini-cymbals, maracas, and tone blocks.
Sammi loves the clacker, the cymbals and the maracas. She wants to love the triangle, but has a hard time getting a good ring out of it. Probably the least used instrument is the tone block. It's not as intuitive or loud as the others. We turn on some upbeat, catchy music, choose an instrument and march around the room. It's a great way to burn some energy and learn about rhythm.
I had been looking for quite some time for a set of instruments. I am so pleased with our Melissa & Doug Band in a Box
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