The winner is Alicia. Congratulations!
Another Utah giveaway, but it's to one of my FAVORITE places so I just have to do it! Discovery Gateway in no way is sponsoring this giveaway. It's just from ME to YOU because I love this place.
Discovery Gateway is THE best museum for little ones in Utah. They are designed to engage, enthrall, and enlarge the minds of little ones. Seriously, little as in starting at age 1! The entire first floor is dedicated to imaginative play as well as role playing activities. They have a kid-sized village complete with store, home, construction zone, farm, gas station and mail courier system! But Sammi's favorite part was the Water Play area. She has so much fun watching the water move through various funnels, colanders and other contraptions.
Oh, and let's not forget the ball area. Remember the ball pool at Showbiz Pizza (now Chuck E. Cheese) where you could jump in with the plastic balls? Well, this is SO much better. The same balls, but now they go up in a vacuum tube and whirl around along various paths before coming back down, just to be scooped up by little hands into plastic tubs and carried off on another adventure. I think this area might be Sammi's all-time favorite.
I'm giving away a 4-pack of tickets to Discovery Gateway. Admission begins at age 1, so only tiny ones are free. This family pack of tickets is the ideal way to explore the museum. Bring a lunch and eat out on the helicopter deck off the second floor!
Here's how to enter:
Leave a comment below and tell me how you spark your child's imagination. That's it, just comment! I love to hear from you :)
For additional entries you may do any of the following (please tell me about each one in a separate comment):
- Follow this blog
- Add the Because Babies Grow Up button to your sidebar
- Friend me on Facebook and post about the giveaway on you wall using this link.
- Follow me on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway using this link
- Link to this giveaway in a post on your blog using this link.
Hi, I could really use some freebies right now...I have 6 month old triplet girls and 4 older children so diapers alone are draining the bank! One of the things we do to spark our children's imaginations is we have a "conversation jar" that we get out when we sit up to dinner. We take turns taking out a strip of paper that has some kind of question or idea to talk about, such as "if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?" or "if you could be any animal, what would you be and why?" etc. It's so much fun! Of course I have school age children who can read so if you have only toddlers you'd have to adjust it to their level. juliehtate@hotmail.com
Julie Tate
Wow! This is a fantastic giveaway! I would love to take my kids!
My favorite thing to watch my kids play with is our toy gear set. S and E get so creative! They've built buildings, cars, and S even made a person once! I wish I had toy gears when I was little!
I just posted it on my blog... memilyrae.com
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We play together...A LOT! I don't think kids need a ton of inspiration, you just have to get them away from the tv and games and just play with the legos or Stars Wars guys out in the grass.
And I am posting your link on my blog. :) Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
This sounds like a ton of fun. Thanks for a great giveaway.
I agree with Aim. Turn off the TV and PS2. Some times it takes my kids a few days to turn back into themselves after unplugging. Some things I do are read out loud to the family (right now we're in the middle of M. T. Anderson's "Whales on Stilts" and it has us rolling on the floor), provide lots of materials and junk: paper, glue, tp rolls, empty containers, paint, playdough etc, create things myself-they always want to join in.
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I've added your button to my side bar at http://rjwmkq.blogspot.com/
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posted about you giveaway on both of my blogs:
Wow, what a generous giveaway! Thank you. I have never been to Discovery, but now I am dying to go! My son is really into imaginative play right now. Reading books is my favorite way to spark the imagination.
My baby is 10 months old and he is really starting to try and figure things out. He loves to just go all around the house and see what he can discover. I think he loves for me to just sit by him on the floor while he's playing with toys or trying to get into things he shouldn't be. ;) This would be a great experience to take my son to so he can experience even more new things.
I've added you to my blog. mikeyandcoley.com
Amber, on behalf of Discovery Gateway, thank you so much for the glowing recommendation of our museum, and for your excellent explanation of how our exhibits and activities stimulate learning! We love for our loyal visitors to encourage others to attend!
Cheers, Lindsie Smith, Director of Marketing and Communication, Discovery Gateway Children's Museum
i would LOVE to win this! my 2 boys would have such a blast there. they are very imaginative and i am always looking for new ways and places for them to explore! i used to teach preschool before i had my oldest, now every other day we do preschool where we learn and play and grow! we have so much fun together, this would be a GREAT field trip!!!
thanks for this giveaway!
i posted about you on my blog!
i added you to my 'Fun Blogs' sidebar!
My son is still an infant but I'm trying to get his imagination started by reading books to him - so far he likes The Little Prince best (as far as I can tell, that is) - and making sure we take plenty of time to explore the world around us. With all the beautiful weather lately, we've enjoyed seeing all sorts of flowers and trees and butterflies. The museum sounds great!
mikaroni at gmail dot com
I follow your blog. mikaroni at gmail dot com
Tweet http://twitter.com/ryuminji/status/1867687377
mikaroni at gmail dot com
Going outside is my favorite way to entertain my little girls. We haven't made it to the children's museum yet!
qkimmie35 at hotmail dot com
I'm a blog follower
Books are a huge part of my children's imaginations!
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
I pull out all the gobs of art stuff that I have! (papers, scissors, stickers, play doh, cookie cutters, pens, markers...) I cover the table with butcher paper and let them have at it.
peatyswea at yahoo dot com
We love to read books, and color frequently. I even have a chalkboard cube I let her draw on all the time. She has so much fun with that.
trisha AT sweetnsassygirls dot com
I would love to take my kids to Discovery Gateway. I have heard a lot of wonderful things about it.
I try to do a lot of different things with my children- go explore nature, different museums, read books on different topics that have to do with the world or people, do different crafts, etc. My son's imagination can turn a piece of string into a fun toy. It is so fun to watch!
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We learn together and play together. We try to make everything hands on and my girls love it!
I have never taken Van to this place, but I am sure that she would love to have a play date with her bestie there!
Van is an only child, and because of that she has an amazing imagination. We don't buy lots of toys. She has very little which makes her have to improvise. She has been known to use pieces of games as food etc.
Thank you for the chance to do win. This is freakin' awesome!
Can you believe I haven't been to The Gateway yet? LB is turning one soon so I better go and take advantage of his FREE admission. I love watching Ty play in the sandbox. We recently let him mix water in the sand and I love seeing what he creates.
I love to paint with my son. I just get a plate put some paint on there and let him go. We usually end up painting our bellies and arms and legs. Because it's boring to just paint on paper!! I love watching him paint and the bond we get when we paint together. I'm no artist but it's fun to just relax and let my son's imagination run wild. We have some really awesome pictures of him pretty much covered in paint. My favorite part is watching him mix the colors together. I put whatever colors we have or he wants and he mixes them all up. And then we just paint all over each other. It's really fun! When i was pregnant he thought it was really really cool that he got to paint my giant belly.
Oh we love Discovery Gateway!!
You are a link on my blog!!
And I'm now a follower...
Thanks for your fun site!!
I have been wanting to go here with my kids almost since I moved here. I encourage my daughter's imagination by never making her feel silly for using it. I hold the door open for her imaginary friends, once in awhile I will talk to them too. I love the idea of her being ebale to entertain herself the way I used to, if she needs to, by being able to use her imagination.
I encourage my son by singing and acting very silly. He likes to pretend that pots are drums and then hats it is awesom.
One of the ways I spark my kids imagination is to give them a plate of ketchup and a popsicle stick. The start to draw in the ketchup and make silly things.
I'm now following too. :)
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