Goldsmith Co. Jewelers is a family owned business in Provo. They have been serving Utah County for 38 years and live by the philosophy that customers come first and employees come second and that the rest falls into place after that. Because of their service-oriented approach, they have grown tremendously and are now the only location in Utah licensed the sell the hot and trendy Pandora line of jewelry.
Pandora, a company founded in Denmark, is committed to helping women capture the unforgettable moments of life with their jewelry. They specialize in the most unique charm bracelet system I have ever seen, and quite frankly the only one that has actually made me want a charm bracelet! Their charms range from animals and objects to sophisticated designs and colors. The best part is YOU get to personalize your bracelet to fit your fashion style and passion.

Here's the fun part, Goldsmith Co. Jewelers is offering a $50 gift certificate to one lucky Because Babies Grow Up reader! The gift certificate can be used on any item in the store, but I promise the Pandora charm bracelet will capture your heart!
To enter you must be a Utah resident able to get to Goldsmith Co. Jewelers store in Provo by May 9. To enter, please leave a comment with your email address and tell me why you want a new piece of jewelry. The winner will be chosen at random with the help of a random number generator (Random.org) so your answers are just for my benefit! This contest runs through May 4 and the winner will be announced Tuesday morning. I will email the gift certificate to the winner. The gift certificate must be redeemed by May 9 (the day before Mother's Day!)
Additional entries are available for the following actions:
Tweet about it with this link to this post! (1 entry)
Post on Facebook with this link to this post! (1 entry)
Follow this blog (1 entry)
Friend me on Facebook (1 entry)
Blog about this giveaway this link to this post!(5 entries)
Did you think I forgot about the pearls? How could I forget about the pearls! They are gorgeous and FREE! All you need is the coupon below. Present it at Goldsmith Jewelers by May 9 to receive a FREE strand of freshwater pearls. I'm wearing mine right now and they are fabulous! Share this coupon with all your friends who can also get to the store by next Saturday. These are great for women and girls and are just in time for Mother's Day.

So I need new jewelry because...you just feel better when your wearing a great piece of jewelry!
it was so great to meet you last night. wasn't it a gorgeous event??? i haven't taken my bracelet off yet. :)
I'm kind of ashamed to admit it but I love "bling bling" Diamonds make me happy. : )
Hi, I would love to have a new piece of jewelry because you can never have too much!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Hey Amber! This is your Auntie Alice! Your mom told me about your blog. I looked over your website and it is very cute! Isn't it interesting how we all have similar feelings about the joys and frustrations of motherhood?
My comment for the jewelry. Since Melody died (I know you know who she is), I have had a hard time enjoying Mother's Day. Melody was the daughter that sent me silly notes and cards. She gave little gifts that only meant something to her and me. I love getting freebies and maybe $50 in new jelewry for free on Mother's Day would help to mellow some of the sadness I feel around this time. My email address is aliceduncan@comcast.net.
I would love some jewelry for mother's day!! When money is tight, the idea of getting something sparkly for Mother's Day is kind of out of the question. But who knows, maybe this year will be different! My email address is hannahbirdy@yahoo.com
I want a new piece of jewelry because, besides my wedding ring, all my jewelry is cheap-o ! I want something nice. (kaylafornia83@gmail.com)
Amber, I think I need the certificate because even my wedding ring was just $200. I think I deserve it. :)
I want new jewelry because frankly, who wouldn't want new, free, nice jewelry--did I say free?? I like free. I like jewelry. The two make a nice pair. You have my email already :-)!
I want to win this so I can give my amazing wife of 16 years a wonderful Mother's Day gift.
Happy Birthday! I would love to get a new piece of jewelry because its been so long since I've had one. You being a descendant of Grandpa Chugg, know the fondness for jewelry that was instilled in us. Have a great day. I'll talk to you on tues. morning.
I would love to win this giveaway because what lady doesn't like new jewelry to add to her collection. Not that mine is big or anything, but you have to start somewhere, right? Thanks for doing this giveaway, Amber!
I would love some new jewelry to spoil myself while David is away. Plus he'll be gone for Mother's Day and this would certainly ease that for me (wink wink).
Love you Amber!!
Hi, I blogged about your giveaway on my blog Lots of Giveaways
Amber I love your blog! I'd love to winn the gift certificate because I love jewelery but don't have anything purchased from a "Jewelery Store.' I would feel like a million bucks :)
May 1st my mother died in 1998. I have great memories of her but to have another way of remembering her in an extra special way would great!
sbehnke@gmail.com I'd love to have a new piece of jewelry for my upcoming wedding! :)
I am recovering from a rollover accident (Easter Weekend) and need some cheering up!! I think new jewelry would be just the thing!!
Increasing my chances:
Tweet!Blog post about you!
Here I am! I promised I'd come online! rjudd3@gmail.com
Amber, I think you're great. Thanks for befriending me! It has meant so much :)
And your babies are adorable.
I am replying about the certificate (obviously). It sounds super fun to me!
Wow Sounds like fun who wouldn't want some bling..sign me up baby!
Sign me up with everyone else
Why do I want new jewelry? Let me count the ways: love Pandora!; been so, so long since I've had new candy for my arm; last, but not least, I'd love to start a bracelet to pass on to my daughter some day.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Pick me! It's my birthday today! :) I blogged about this giveaway too! Thanks! meloniew a t g m a i l d o t c o m
You are so great to host something like this! It's beautiful! Why do I want a a new piece of jewelry? Plain and simple...my husband needs help! He's such a great guy/husband/daddy but he really needs help when it comes to things like this (just ask his mom....his dad was the same way and his brothers are in the same boat!) So far I've picked my ring, earrings, and necklace and then he's "surprised" me with it (although he's not as sly as he thinks he is!) I sure love him though!
memilyrae @ gmail dot com
does it count that I already follow your blog and am your friend on facebook? ;)
You are so awesome to post this giveaway.. I would love a new piece of jewelry like everyone else here who have signed up. I think everyone here deserves something new and it's even better with Mother's day around the corner so this gift is wonderful.
This is incredible! I don't want the jewelry for myself - I'd actually give it to my amazing grandmother. I know that everyone thinks they have the best grandmother, but I really do!
I am Mom who, like most others, spend most of our money on our kids! I would just once love to have something new for myself. I know it sounds selfish. I'm sorry!
Hey, I would love a new piece of jewelry because every girl loves jewelry! I am a new mom and just a little piece of jewelry can make all the difference in an "I didn't get ready today" day. Thanks!
It's 11:59, so hopefully I make it just under the wire! I want a new pearl necklace because Baylie broke my old one.
I need this so I can replace the gold hoop earring i just lost. And because today (the 4th) is my 10th anniversary and we weren't able to do anything except watch a movie on the internet because money is so tight. Winning this would be awesome.
I'd love something new, not borrowed, maybe blue. I'm not getting married but could spice up 13 almost years of marriage by looking a little prettier.
It was great meeting you, Amber! We're glad you made it to the event and are enjoying your bracelet.
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