The Eensy Weensy Spider is one of the first songs that Sammi could sing all by herself. It's also one of the favorites at the library. They have a puppet spider that the kids love when we do this song.
Before Elli could sit up, I put her in my lap and did that actions on her, as shown in the video. My favorite part is tickling her under her chin after the spider crawls back up her arm.
There are a couple of ways to do the spider crawling action. First is what I think of as the traditional way: index finger from one hand to thumb of the other crawling over the other thumb-index finger pair. The second is using your fingers on one hand to crawl up the arm of the other hand. Children seem to love both. We often sing it twice and switch the action the second time through.
That is Shelby's favorite song! Every time we say a prayer, she wants to sing it after. I don't know why. It's the first thing she does after we say "Amen," she puts her hands together and starts doing spider.
That video is precious!!
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