Handedness is defined as the preference for the use of one hand over the other. Here are some interesting facts about handedness in little ones:
- for infants under 1, only about 30-50 % show a preference for the right hand in reaching for objects
- for infants under 1, 10-30 % show a preference for the left hand
- for infants under 1, the remaining show no preference
- the preferred hand may change as they get older
- more permanent hand preferences in infants don't occur until the second year of life
One thing we do that unknowingly influences handedness in our little ones is handing toys or other objects to a specific side of their body (always handing a spoon to the right hand). We can remove this influence (it's not crucial to, but just for fun to observe their handedness) is to always hand objects to the middle of the body. When Sammi started preferring her right hand, I got in the habit of handing everything to the middle so she could choose and because I didn't know what hand it would be this time. I think this also shows acceptance of whatever hand they use, especially if it is a different hand from you.
Does your little one have a hand preference?
Cute, chubby baby hands picture courtesy of Lottie Lou Design.
Love the blog! I posted your button I would love it if you could do that same, thanks!
The BG was equal for the longest time. I'd say well into late preschool did he finally choose right. He was equally good with either.
The MO definitely rt from the start
The LO whichever hand is closest to whatever is being offered. When he tries himself equal.
Amber, when Matt and I were playing with the softball yesterday with Sammi, she actually threw the ball with both her left and right hand and she did really good with both. She seemed to do almost better with her right hand. Amazing!
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